Storage Tank Management

UST / AST Installation & Removal

American Environmental has extensive experience with Underground Storage Tanks used to store fuel oil for the heating of buildings.  Regularly assisting clients, we perform all aspects of the closure process including permitting, tank excavation and removal, applicable soil sampling, assessments, remediation and closure reports.

When necessary, we will develop a corrective action plan to remediate petroleum contaminated soil and groundwater to levels well below applicable standards.

Leaking Underground Storage Tanks (LUST)

Leaking underground storage tanks (LUSTs) can contaminate the soil and ground water if the contents of the tank spill and come into contact with the surrounding soil and groundwater. When petroleum gets into the soil, vapors can sometimes build up in confined spaces, such as septic tanks, sewers, and basements. Petroleum vapors entering homes presence a risk to human health as well.

Tanks leak for many reasons. The tank and associated piping may be improperly installed / maintained, the tank may be overfilled, or the tank walls may corrode. If an underground tank is more than 10 years old, and if it is made of bare steel or coated steel, the chances for a leak are increased dramatically.

If you suspect or identify that your underground storage tank is leaking or detect a spill, contact us to develop a corrective action plan to remediate the petroleum contaminated soil and groundwater to levels well below applicable regulatory standards.

Prevention Tips
  • Proper installation, maintenance, leak test and inventory control
  • Permit compliance
  • Leak backup containment
  • Removal of abandoned tanks or filling with inert material
Other Services
  • Compliance Audits
  • Federal/State Closure Reports

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