
NYC E-Designation, E-Designation, subsurface investigation, Phase II, hazmat, Phase 2, air, noise

An E-Designation is a New York City (NYC) zoning map designation that indicates the presence of an environmental requirement pertaining to the potential of Hazardous Materials Contamination, Window/Wall Noise Attenuation, or Air Quality impacts on a particular tax lot.  E-Designations are established on the Zoning Map by the Department of City Planning (DCP) and City Council as a part of a zoning change/action.

The E-Designation rule sets forth procedures that land owners and developers must follow to satisfy the E-Designations prior to redevelopment, renovation or obtaining of city building permits from the NYC Department of Buildings (DOB) for projects located within the NYC area.  American Environmental is a qualified vendor with the NYC Office of Environmental Remediation (NYC OER) and can assist you with all the required environmental investigations and activities necessary to comply with the E-Designation prior to alteration or redevelopment of your property.


Tax lots assigned the Hazmat designation are subject to specific testing requirements to assess and manage potential hazards. These testing requirements typically are Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) and a Phase II Subsurface Investigation, involving a site investigation, which includes soil, soil vapor and groundwater sampling and analysis to identify the presence and extent of hazardous substances. The testing may also include assessments of indoor air quality to evaluate potential exposure risks. The testing helps identify the nature and extent of hazardous material contamination, assess potential risks to human health and the environment, and determine appropriate remedial actions.

American Environmental can assist you with all requirements to be in compliance with the E-Designation process, including the following:
  • Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I ESA), Project Description and Cost Estimate
  • Pre-Application Meetings with the Regulatory Agencies
  • Phase II Work Plans (WP) and Health and Safety Plans (HASP)
  • Phase II Subsurface Investigation and Reporting
  • Remedial Investigation and Reporting
  • Remedial Action Work Plan (RAWP) and Construction Health and Safety Plan (CHASP)
  • Remedial Action Report (RAP) for Hazardous Materials (Hazmat)
  • Remedial Action Plan (RAP) for Air Quality and Noise
  • Vapor Barrier Design and Oversight
  • Sub-Slab Depressurization System (SSDS) Design
  • Obtain “Notice to Proceed” Letter
  • Soil Excavation Oversight
  • Soil Disposal
  • Dust and Vapor Monitoring
  • Remedial Closure Report
  • Obtain “Notice of Satisfaction” Letter
In addition:
  • Cleanup Grant Assistance for Redevelopment Projects (preference to affordable housing/community projects)
  • Assistance with application on enter the Voluntary Cleanup Program (VCP)

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